Web Browser “Meeting Host” Sign In

  1. Go to https://zoom.us.
  2. Hover over the “HOST A MEETING
  3. Click on the down arrow button
  4. Select “With Video On

On the new page that comes up:

  1. UNcheck (if checked) the “Stay signed in” box.
  2. Enter the login email “eie.techassistant@gmail.com”.
  3. Enter the login password.
  4. Click “Sign In

After you are logged in:

  1. Click (or hover over) “HOST A MEETING” down arrow button (The rest of the web-page is not applicable to this role.)
  1. From the menu that appears, click “With video on
  1. A web-page with the following information will appear.
  1. At the same time, a file will download to your computer. The file is to install the Zoom Client App.
  2. Open this file to install the Zoom Client App.
  3. Once the Zoom Client App is installed you will be brought directly into the meeting with your video on.
  4. NOTE: Other participants can see you

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