
Are you a compulsive eater?

  • Do you repeatedly promise yourself you will change your eating behavior and then continue it anyway?
  • Have you ever found yourself eating two breakfasts, lunches, or dinners because you felt the first one was inadequate?
  • Do you ever attempt to hide your binges by eating in secret or alone or in your car?
  • Is your weight affecting the way you live your life?
  • Do you find yourself planning the next meal before you have finished eating?

Still not sure? Here are more questions to help you.

There IS a Solution!

Click here to find the solution.

About Live Video Meetings

We host live video meetings to unite in recovery by allowing ourselves to be seen. CEA-HOW is a fellowship governed by our tradition of anonymity, so we ask that only people who identify as compulsive eaters are present in the room and on camera during the meeting.

Keep your video on if possible and mute your microphone when not speaking. Please keep ALL food off camera.  When your video and microphone are on, keep all noise and distractions to a minimum including keeping your device steady for clear reception, avoiding multitasking, and avoid being in bed if at all possible.